IHSEP - Inhomogeneous Self-Exciting Process
Simulate an inhomogeneous self-exciting process (IHSEP), or Hawkes process, with a given (possibly time-varying) baseline intensity and an excitation function. Calculate the likelihood of an IHSEP with given baseline intensity and excitation functions for an (increasing) sequence of event times. Calculate the point process residuals (integral transforms of the original event times). Calculate the mean intensity process.
Last updated 2 years ago
1.98 score 2 dependents 16 scripts 199 downloadslpint - Local Polynomial Estimators of the Intensity Function and Its Derivatives
Functions to estimate the intensity function and its derivative of a given order of a multiplicative counting process using the local polynomial method.
Last updated 3 years ago
1.48 score 1 dependents 2 scripts 245 downloadsibs - Integral of B-Spline Functions
Calculate B-spline basis functions with a given set of knots and order, or a B-spline function with a given set of knots and order and set of de Boor points (coefficients), or the integral of a B-spline function.
Last updated 6 years ago
1.30 score 3 scripts 138 downloadscoxsei - Fitting a CoxSEI Model
Fit a CoxSEI (Cox type Self-Exciting Intensity) model to right-censored counting process data.
Last updated 5 years ago
1.08 score 12 scripts 164 downloads